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Criminal Charges May Be Filed Against Bus Driver & Driver Of Parked Van In Fatal Bus MVA On Route From Modi’in Illit

Following the investigation into the fatal accident on Route 443 near Modi’in Illit, involving a Kavim Company bus on the 304 line, in which two women were R”L killed, police have learned there is legal basis to file criminal indictments against the bus driver as well as the driver of the van who stopped on the side of the road, the vehicle the bus plowed into, causing it to flip over.

The accident, which occurred about two weeks ago, claimed the lives of two residents of Modi’in Illit, Mrs. Chaya Gutman A”H, 24, a mother to a n 18-month-ol child. She lived on Sha’agas Aryeh Street in Modi’in Illit, was the daughter of Reb Dovid Shlomo Mendelson of Kiryat Sefer, and the wife of Reb Hillel Gutman who learns in the Kollel at Yeshiva Knesses HaGedolah.

The second victim has been identified as Ruchama Rosen, 27. She lived on Meshach Chachma Street in Modi’in Illit. Dozens were left injured.

The overturning of the bus was caused by a sudden halt of a van in front of the bus as that driver, a volunteer with and EMS organization, stopped to help with another accident in the opposite lane.

Following this information, which came during the initial investigation, it was decided to investigate the bus driver and revoke his driver’s license for ninety days. These steps were also taken in the case of the driver of the van.

Now, according to a report by the Israel Broadcasting Corporation here, it appears that the breakthrough required in the investigation of the severe disaster has been achieved, and in the coming days the case is expected to be transferred to the State Prosecutor’s Office.

According to the report, sufficient evidence was found for the prosecution of the two drivers: the bus driver – who did not keep a reasonable distance from the car in front of him, and the driver of the van – who stopped dangerously at the side of the road.

The Israel Police of the Shai District attribute the deaths of the two women to both drivers, death by negligence, and the State Prosecutor’s Office will determine whether this is sufficient to prosecute them.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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