Reply To: how about sending a simple mishloach manos?

Home Forums Yom Tov Purim how about sending a simple mishloach manos? Reply To: how about sending a simple mishloach manos?


Rebyid23 excuse me? Do you know who i am? I am from a very choshuva family with very choshuva yichus. I speak on a normal basis with choshuva rabbanim very often and have been honored (against my will of course) by many dinners and simaler events. The chesed is uncomparable! Just ask my wife and kids, theyll confirm to you Im never home. Always out doing chesed.

The unbeliveable emunah and bitachon I have is not to be believed and I thank you for the Portion of Olam Habah you gave to be (since you attempted to embarress me in public) and if anyone needs a beracha let me know cause i am one who does not answer to those who embaress me berabim (and i have very choshuva yichus)