Reply To: Should Parents Intimidate Their Kids?

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🍫Syag Lchochma

“You wouldn’t punish a 2 year old for not knowing how to drive a car, right?

We’re discussing older children, not two year olds.”

no, I don’t think we are. How many parents are smacking an 8 year old for running into traffic? Really now.

The reason it isn’t worth my energy to give “long rational answers” is because, as winnie and Avrum pointed out, you are either just trolling, or you are so incapable of seeing anything other than a nail that nothing we say makes a difference. My personal third reason is that there is nobody other than you who is even wondering. That’s how obvious it is.

When the Steipler was on guard duty on shabbos in siberia someone left him a coat hanging on a tree. The steipler chose not to take the coat even tho it was below freezing. Someone wondered how the Steipler could ch”v be “more frum than Hashem”. Why would he refuse to protect his life by taking the tree when Hashem clearly allowed it to be done and we are required to be responsible regarding our health.

The answer is because the Steipler knew he had a heter, and perhaps a chiyuv, to take that coat when he felt that the cold was dangerous to his health. In his piety, and with Hashem’s help he never quite got that cold.
Having a choice to do something to address situations does not obligate us to see that situation everyday all day.

If that is too hard for you to process, just call it denial.