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Bennett’s New Deal for the Elections of Chief Rabbis

bennIt appears that Bayit Yehudi leader Minister of Industry & Trade Naftali Bennett is uninterested in the deal with Shas by which he would support the reelection of Rishon L’Tzion Rabbi Moshe Shlomo Amar Shlita in exchange for Shas supporting the election of Rabbi Yaakov Ariel Shlita as the Ashkenazi chief rabbi.

Bennett seems to favor a different arrangement, one in which the party supports Rabbi David Stav and Tzfas Sephardi Chief Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu instead of dealing with Shas. Bennett feels this is the best scenario to enlist widespread support from the dati leumi community, Maariv reports.

Bennett also supports the Stern Bill to expand the voting body for the nation’s chief rabbis. His belief is that Rav Stav represents the more liberal dati leumi community as well as enjoying support from the secular parties such as The Movement and Yesh Atid. Rabbi Eliyahu on the other hand represents the more chareidi-dati leumi tzibur (Chardal) and this would provide a balance.

Bayit Yehudi Deputy Minister of Religious Services Rabbi Eli Ben-Dahan is scheduled to meet with Rabbi Dov Lior Shlita on Sunday, 3 Sivan 5773. Rav Lior is a leading opponent to Rav Stav’s candidacy and Bennett hopes teaming Rav Stav with Rav Eliyahu will earn Rav Lior’s support.

Maariv adds that while Rabbi Ben-Dahan confirms he will be meeting on Sunday with Rabbi Dov Lior, he does not plan to push the reported deal as presented by Maariv.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. To “About Time”: Everything I have been able to find about Rabbi Stav would seem to indicate that he would be a great chief rabbi, although it should be pointed out that Rabbi Stav himself prefers that his own Rav, Rabbi Ariel, become the next chief rabbi. Both are Religious Zionists, as is Rabbi Eliyahu, but it makes sense that people who take government jobs be supportive of the existence of the country!

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