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Israel: Media Jumps on Cost for Sleeping Arrangements for PM on Flights Abroad

bibIn many cases it’s all about timing and for Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and sleeping arrangement for him on international flights, the timing could not have been worse. At a time when the government plans to take major austerity measures that will result in much belt-tightening and an increase in taxes, Channel 10 News’ Friday night “Shishi” program took the prime minister to task. It reported on the costs of sleeping arrangements on flights abroad for the prime minister and his wife.

The report focused on Mr. Netanyahu’s flight to the UK last month to attend the funeral of former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. The report stated that a bedroom had to be installed in an El Al airplane to accommodate the prime minister and his wife, which entails literally installing a bedroom and lounge with four walls and a door to permit them total privacy. The workers were called up on Independence Day, adding to the cost of that particular flight. Channel 10 explained that only El Al has a plane large enough to accommodate installing the twin beds, and in this case, the government paid $427,000 for his flight instead of the Arkia price of $300,000, without the bedroom and lounge. The cost also includes many seats in business class for the official entourage.

Officials in the Prime Minister’s Office explained that Mr. Netanyahu had an extremely long day and he was compelled to leave on the night of Independence Day to make the funeral and it was important for him to have a few hours of solid sleep with the demanding schedule waiting for him in Europe. Officials add Mr. Netanyahu was not made aware of the added expense for the installation of the bedroom for such a flight.

Channel 10 added that President Shimon Peres, 90, did not ask for a bedroom/lounge on his flight to Korea, which was 11 hours, making do with a seat in business class.

The public outcry upon hearing of the sum spent led to another statement from the Prime Minister’s Office, stating the prime minister will not order the bedroom/lounge for shorter flights such as to Europe.

Yediot Achronot adds that it has checked into the matter and has learned that the prime minister has ordered the installation of the bedroom for other flights to Europe in the past but now, following the public outcry, it is unlikely he will order the room for upcoming flights to Europe or Russia.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. next, they will expect the PM to stay at Motel8?

    Also there is a big difference between the PM (who does work) and the President of Israel who, at best, is a token figure, and is there for ceremonial and PR reasons (although Peres refuses to recognize it)

  2. That’s what happens when you make your leader fly commercial.

    On the other hand, the USA would do far better if the obamas had to commercial!

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