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Home Forums Politics Should The Rich Be Taxed? πŸ’ΈπŸš• Reply To: Should The Rich Be Taxed? πŸ’ΈπŸš•

Neville ChaimBerlin

“You have not answered a single point”
That’s because you have not MADE a single point other than that you like to whine about taxes.

None of you have outright admitted that you consider the progressive tax code that we have under Trump unfair, so what are we supposed to be arguing on? Trump’s tax code charges the rich a higher rate. If you think that’s fair, then you agree with me; so, why are you people getting so worked up? You just don’t like to hear people explicitly admit that they support a progress tax plan, even though you also do?

I don’t support handouts, you don’t support handouts. I don’t support flat taxes, you don’t support flat taxes. As far as I can tell, there is only one minor area where we differ. You guys would oppose bailouts for the wealthy, but would support tax cuts for the wealthy via your belief in Keynesian Economics. I would oppose both, unless they were tax cuts across the board backed up by spending cuts.