Reply To: Why Won’t My Mother Let Me Get A Shidduch?

Home Forums Shidduchim Why Won’t My Mother Let Me Get A Shidduch? Reply To: Why Won’t My Mother Let Me Get A Shidduch?

☕ DaasYochid ☕

Nice that you finally looked it up.

The point is that as the generations become weaker, the age could change, and it’s not against Chazal to say that.

The Pischei Teshuvah (b’shem Rabbeinu Yonah) indeed didn’t specify that boys should delay past 18. He also didn’t live in our generation.

The yesod laid out though, is that Chazal didn’t give an absolute number regardless of the maturity level of the boy.

So, if in a particular generation, it is deemed by its gedolim that boys are often not mature enough to get married until 22-23, they’re not chas v’shalom going against Chazal.

I think you actually agree with the yesod of Rabbeinu Yonah. I don’t see you pushing for boys to start going out at 17.