Reply To: Why Won’t My Mother Let Me Get A Shidduch?

Home Forums Shidduchim Why Won’t My Mother Let Me Get A Shidduch? Reply To: Why Won’t My Mother Let Me Get A Shidduch?

☕ DaasYochid ☕


There is a certain Goyishkeit implanted in American people that a boy is not mature until he is 23. When Chazal say & Halacha Paskens that a Bachur should get married younger, it means that he is mature at a much younger age.

This is subject to change as the generations get weaker. See Rabbeinu Yonah quoted by Pischei Teshuvah at the beginning of Even Ho’ezer.


I’m not sure what religion some of the posters here are from, but in my religion we know Shemona Esrei L’Chuppa.

The same religion as Rabbeinu Yonah. It’s called Judaism. What’s yours called?