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doomsday -“Health, Do you work for VAXOPEDIA?”
“If not, why do you keep posting quotes from VAXOPEDIA or other Pro-Vax Websites?”
Because they speak the Truth!
“Or maybe you work for Pharmaceutical Company?”
“Pharmaceutical is a TRILLION Dollar Industry – Biggest, Most Powerful Industry IN THE WORLD!”

Why do you constantly repeat yourself?

“Health, Vaxopedia is caught in a LIE once again!
Anti-Vaxxers don’t claim that better hygiene and better nutrition ELIMINATED DISEASE.
The claim is that the DEATH RATE from the disease declined 90% BEFORE Vaccines.
It is extremely rare for a child in USA or other first world country to die from
Measles, Chicken Pox, Roto Virus, Rubella or Whooping Cough.”

The Only Ones who Lie are the Anti-Vaxxers!
From Vaxopedia:
“Measles Deaths in the 21st Century
Breaking News – there are reports of two new deaths in Italy, including a young patient who died of measles encephalitis in 2017 and a young adult with leukemia just last month. (see below)
Measles is a big killer.
According to the WHO, “In 2015, there were 134,200 measles deaths globally – about 367 deaths every day or 15 deaths every hour.”
But it wasn’t that long ago, in 1980, that measles was causing at least 2.6 million deaths a year. And just 17 years ago, in 2000, measles caused about 777,000 deaths worldwide.
Measles Deaths in the 21st Century
While some experts doubt if we will ever truly eradicate measles, like we have done for smallpox, a lot of progress is being made on reducing measles outbreaks and deaths thanks to routine and supplemental immunizations.
Tragically, measles still kills.
“For every 1,000 children who get measles, one or two will die from it.”
CDC – Complications of Measles
And it is not just in developing countries that don’t have access to vaccines or adequate levels of vitamin A or modern healthcare. It should also be obvious, when you look at the cases below, that you don’t have to wait for there to be a 1,000 people in an outbreak for there to be a death. It could be the first person in the outbreak or you might see three deaths between cases 3,000 to 4,000.

Dr. Bob Sears actually reassured parents that measles wasn’t deadly in developed countries, neglecting to mention the dozens of people who have died in outbreaks in Europe – another well-nourished population with lower vaccination rates than the U.S.

During the 2010 and 2011 outbreaks in Europe, after all, with about 30,000 cases of measles each year, there were at least 28 deaths. It’s worse now…
The National Center for Communicable Disease Control and Control in Romania is now reporting 59 measles deaths.
In the last few years, there are reports of at least 118 deaths in the measles outbreaks across Europe, including:
the death of a 10-month-old unvaccinated child in Bulgaria (among just 163 cases)
four deaths in France – a 16-year-old unvaccinated girl from Nice, who died in Marseille, a 32-year-old unvaccinated women in Poitiers, a 26-year-old with immune system problems who was probably infected by an unvaccinated relative, and a 16-year-old in Bordeaux, an immunosuppressed girl who had received a heart transplant when she was 2 years old. Three of the deaths have occurred in 2018 and there have been just 2,567 reported cases since November 2017.
the death of a 37-year-old partially vaccinated women (the mother of 3 kids) in Essen, Germany (among about 866 cases)
four deaths in Greece, where there have been 2,830 cases – including an 11-month-old unvaccinated infant, a 35-year old partially vaccinated mother, an unvaccinated 17-year-old, and a vaccinated, but immunosuppressed 18-year-old.
at least twelve deaths in Italy (four in 2017 and six in 2018, among just 7,649 cases), including a 6-year-old boy with leukemia who reportedly caught measles from an unvaccinated sibling. The other deaths included an unvaccinated 9-year-old girl, a 16-month-old, a man with a compromised immune system, a 27-year-old woman, a 25-year-old woman, and a 10-month-old boy.
two deaths in Kosovo, including a baby who died in a hospital in Pristina.
the death of a 17-year-old girl who was not vaccinated in Portugal (among just 31 cases)
59 deaths in Romania, almost all unvaccinated children without preexisting conditions, including a three week old baby (among 14,142 cases since January 2016)
at least 15 deaths in Serbia (among about 5,598 cases), including a 20-year-old unvaccinated man, a two year old boy and mother, an unvaccinated 4-year-old, and a previously healthy, unvaccinated 30 year old woman.
one death in Spain
the death of a vaccinated man who was being treated for leukemia in Switzerland (among just 69 cases)
17 deaths in Ukraine – eleven children and six adults, including an unvaccinated toddler who died at a children’s hospital in Odessa and a 10-month old (among about 24,000 cases, mostly unvaccinated children). This includes five deaths in 2017 – three children and two adults, among about 4,782 cases.
Unfortunately, measles cases continue to rise in most of these countries and many others”