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“2Cents, I have refuted the nonsense in the Autism Epidemic Denial.
So do you admit that Autism Epidemic IS REAL from 1:10,000 to 1:150?”


You still need to prove that:

a. the 30% is the same.
b. that the age diagnosis plays no role in diagnosing ASD. (including nonverbal).
c. that other mental disorders with language deficits were not affected by the DSM change.

Otherwise, your explanation and question can easily be satisfied.

I find it weird that when it comes to SIDS you yell fraud (in CAPS) only because there have been changes in classifying these infant deaths, despite having the data available and you can see a sharp total decrease not only in SIDS but also in all preventable deaths, Even when you use the current SIDS criteria you still have a very significant decrease, yet only because there was a change, that is sufficient for you to dismiss the claim that there is a decrease.

Why when there have been such radical changes to what is ASD, starting from age to just combining so many disorders which existed prior to the DSM IV yet were not considered autism, you just keep on using the latest DSM criteria to show that there has been an increase in prevalence, when it is likely that it is just an increase in diagnosis.

But then again, I accused you of confirmation bias, you conveniently only use parts of the data that supports your position.

If this is your position, fine. But you do not have a right to make your biased claims public and risk public health.