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DDM Vilnai: The IDF Continues Border Patrols

Speaking in a Thursday morning Galei Tzahal (Army Radio) interview, Deputy Defense Minister Matan Vilnai, a retired IDF major-general and former Southern District Commander, responsible for the Gaza area, explained the IDF will continue efforts towards securing the Gaza border.

Vilnai explained that the IDF operates along tens of kilometers of Gaza border day and night, and at times, as was the case yesterday, Wednesday, there was a failure — painful as this sounds, it is reality.

Vilnai added that it is more than a bit strange that terrorists decided to target the fuel depot which provides fuel and gas for Gaza’s residents.

The senior government official added the response to the report of the attack was immediate, preventing the terrorists from advancing and carrying out a more complex attack as appears was their intention.

Vilnai added that Israel cannot permit Gaza to deteriorate regarding humanitarian concerns and Jerusalem must continue to permit the supply train to bring the minimum required supplies to Gazan residents.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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