Reply To: The Killing of Nahal Haredi Soldiers and the Anti Draft Protests

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Joseph: “Members of such communities should be exempt from all taxation (VAT, income, business, etc.) as the government should not bite the hand that feeds it.”

Great idea. No hospitals, no electricity, no police, sewers, roads, health inspections etc. that are paid for by taxes. If a yeshiva guy wants to go to the kosel, he can go to the small kosel in the arab shuk, or pay an entrance fee to help maintain the area. Great idea! I wonder how long that would last!

TAS: Zionist do not want chardiemm to join the army. Zionist want chardiem to obey the law and file an exemption from the service. In addition, a simple Mi Sheberech for the SOLDIERS, not the state, to show Hakoras Hatov.