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Meeting Ever Growing Pesach Demands

For Rabbi Yaakov Glauberman, it is an ongoing uphill struggle trying to meet the growing demands for Pesach assistance from the needy.

The rabbi, who runs the Kimcha D’Pischa organization, admits this year in particular, the demand appears somewhat overwhelming. Each carton prepared by his organization costs NIS 300, while state welfare officials allocate approximately NIS 23. That leaves the rabbi to find the balance towards feeding the poor and permitting people to fulfill the mitzvas of the yom tov.

Kimcha D’Pischa will pay NIS 1 million to suppliers for foods purchased ahead of yom tov, and the rav busies himself with finding donors to cover the expense.

Soldiers and civilians alike volunteer their time to pack the cartons and do the physical work involved with preparing the cartons for the thousands who will line up in the hope of being one of the fortunate recipients ahead of the yom tov.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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