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Home Forums Controversial Topics The world is in a state of Geula- and don’t misunderstand us! Reply To: The world is in a state of Geula- and don’t misunderstand us!


“CS: “People are searching for meaning and stronger connection to Hashem both not yet frum and frum alike nowadays. I even see this by the non Jews in levels never before seen in history.”

Rso: Could you please elaborate on how you see this by non-Jews in unprecedented levels?”

Yeah. As far as I know, we always had geirim, some time periods more than others. But geirim really have Jewish souls to begin with which push them to become geirim, so I’m not talking about that.

I’m talking about the growing number of non Jews coming to learn about Hashem and Torah from Jews to find meaning in their lives (as non Jews) and strengthen their connection with Hashem. Also the many non Jews who believe that their blessings in life will come from being true friends of the Jewish people. Some examples:

CUFI has topped five million (yes they still have false beliefs but they’re way ahead of their ancestors…as the Rambam says in hilchos melachim that the reason why those two religions started to begin with is so they get some of the truths such as belief in One G-d, and moshiach… And then when the truth is revealed they’ll find it easy to discard the garbage their ancestors taught them along with the truth.)

Growing numbers of Christians interested in coming closer to the “old testament” roots and learning from Jews about it.

Many gentiles rejecting Christianity altogether in favour of the 7 mitzvos bnei noach. (We have a two part Sefer recently printed on the details of each of the sheva mitzvos bnei noach driven by demand as the non Jews said we had to inform them of the details the same way we keep kosher practically because we have detailed Halachos.) (There is a centre for them in Texas. They are a hard demographic to sustain because when they learn further, many decide they want to go become full fledged Jews. Nevertheless when in history have you seen this?)

Celebrities coming to rabbis to learn how to have a meaningful life. (Rabbi Heller the mohel has helped a bunch of these, and when they asked him what he wanted in return he said they should start modest clothing fashions… Bh the trend has caught on.)

The parade of the nations in Israel. Etc.