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Statement to the Chabadskers (both meshichist and not).

Whatever you want to say about HaGaon Harav Shach ZT”L, it is indisputable that he was the gaon HaTorah for Chareidim in his later years. Even Chassidim, who he disagreed with on a lot of stuff, held of him as a Gaon. Every living Rebbe showed up to his levaya. It’s only Lubavitch that attempts to undermine him and pretend he was just another misnaged because he was exceptionally critical of Chabad and Rav Schneerson ZT”L due to the meshichists. His greatness was part of the reason why Chabad continues to single him out. Many (actually most) Rabbonim held of and said the same things he did. You probably won’t find a Rav, Rosh Yeshiva, or Rebbe who disagrees with Rav Shach’s shittos on Chabad. But since none were as great as him during the late 80’s and 90’s it became Rav Shach’s voice that was used to illustrate the criticism against Chabad. Very convenient for Chabad, because they can pretend it’s only one guy and brush it under the table as an archaic misnaged thing.