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@Joseph and others
Politicians are not stupid, although they do some stupid things.
They know that Hareidi children will nor be entering public school en masse, even if they are registered to do so.
If 10,000 Hareidi children register for the 2019-2020 term this coming spring/summer (in a school district), the district will not build schools and hire many staff.
The first thing the district will do is send transfer notices to the current yeshivos, telling them buses, health services and free lunch (in form of money or food stuffs) has been cut off effective the first day of school. If the Hareidi kids re-enroll in the yeshivos it will take months to restore these services.
If some Hareidi kids actually show up for public schools they will be put in empty seats where available, not their closest neighborhood school. Similar to the baby boom days, some schools could go on double sessions,
7:30-12:30 and 12:30-5:30. That afternoon session would not be appreciated by Hareidim on winter Fridays.
Not all states treat parochial schools the same way. Here in CT we not only provide transportation within the district, but secular textbooks, school nurses, psychologists, social workers and Special Education for secular subjects. All of this to the bsame extent that public school children receive them within an individual district. So, if the district only buses kids who live more than one mile from public school, the same rule applies to parochial school. Our public schools are closed on RH and YK, but the district still provides bus service to the parochial school on those days. Our district (one town) has an Orthodox Day School and Catholic and Protestant schools from K-12.