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Home Forums Controversial Topics The world is in a state of Geula- and don’t misunderstand us! Reply To: The world is in a state of Geula- and don’t misunderstand us!


YR: “First, CS, we have no clue of it was recanted! Second of all if the Yated, Ami or Mishpacha, would put a picture of a gadol and write “Hu Elokeinu” they would be boycotted and have to close down the next day! Certainly no one would let them into their homes, even if they apologized.

Yet Beis Mashiach does the same thing, Meshichist Chabad says “Meh, just don;t do it again” and they keep selling thousands of copies! CS, let me tell you, this would not happen in ANY other frum community”

I thought you said they apologised? In either case I never heard of it and never came across anything like that so I can’t really comment on things I don’t know about. When judging you have to hear the full picture and I don’t. What I do know is we take halacha very seriously and strive to go lifnim mishuras hadin.