Reply To: Voting Democrat

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“I looked.”
Mazel;l tov!

“More of the same economic illiteracy. More regs and higher taxes to strangle business. ”
I’m not so sure you read the op. We arent disucssing if these ar e GOOd policies.

” Just to give one example,…”
To give you a counter example, raising the minimum wage does not create unemployment (you can google this statement and get several articles) by adding money to workers’ pocketbooks and allows them to buy more goods and services, creating higher demand, which in turn requires hiring more workers.

Again, though this isn’t the topic of this thread. you are of course free to start a thread on why the GOP’s platform is better , or why the DNC’s doesnt make sense.

(Though while we are off topic, though of another example of the torah’s hatred of capitalism (if you recall we discussed this a few years back and I gave you a handful of examples showing how the Torah throughouly opposed pure capitalism fel free to dig it up) namely the issur of ani hamehapech becharara, yes it doesnt ALWAYS apply, )