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“what about forcing people to change their religious beliefs (in particular to support toeva “weddings”), shutting up anybody who offends them (= anybody tro their right), appeasing Iran and other terrorists (in particular the Fakestinians) and bashing Israel?”

ok, i’ll bite what about it? sounds terrible!

“Regarding your hilarious list:”
It’s not mine its the DNC’s

“1-2. How, pray tello? By fiat?”
Read the platform, it is freely available on line

“3. What are “fundamental rights”? Not being fired no matter what they do?”
Read the platform, it is freely available on line

“4. What does that mean? With whose money?”
Read the platform, it is freely available on line

“5-6. See #1-2”
See the response to 1-2

“7. It’s already headed towards bankruptcy. They want to speed up the process?”

“8. What is dignified? I am retired and I think that my dignity requires me to live in a mansion with servants and have a private jet. LOL”
Read the platform, it is freely available on line.

“9. The best thing to do is to let it die with dignity so that private industry can take over.”
That very well may be, and note this isn’t a thread over whether the Democrats have the right or even good ideas

It’s just about educating the masses that “Revitalizing Our Nation’s Postal Service” is against the Torah.

(you are taking this too seriously obviously the OP was kidding and my response was to share the hilarity