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CS: “If I’m wrong, simply list another leader of klal Yisrael today who sends out his best and brightest for life to help the frum, not yet frum, and opens institutions to help those who fight him.”
Aside from the claim I have already made earlier that your rebbe’s kavonah in this was to draw attention to himself and to claim the leadership that you have attributed to him, there is another problem. Some of “his best and brightest” have gone off because of being influenced the not yet frum, and Rachmono litzlan MANY lubavich families have kids who have gone off the derech for the same reason. There is clearly a far greater percentage of lubavich kids from frum homes who have gone off than there are in other chassidic groups. Hashem yeracheim!
Your rebbe did not have the long-range view that other rebbes had, and lubavich is suffering from it today. (See my earlier post about tznius.)
One further point. Claiming to care about everybody, and being the only one making a big PR deal about it does not show that he is the only one who really cared.
The Satmarer Rebbe also cared about everybody, which is why he tried to spread his shitah about Zionism all over. He too was concerned that there were Yidden in the far reaches of the world who were, in his view, being accomplices to avodah zoroh. Now you and I don’t agree with that, but we would surely agree that if, say, voting in the Israeli elections is indeed an act of avizraihu d’avodah zoroh, working to prevent it is probably more important than to get someone to put on tefillin. So he cared just as much as your rebbe did.