Reply To: The Anti-Vaxxers are Causing a Chillul Hashem

Home Forums Rants The Anti-Vaxxers are Causing a Chillul Hashem Reply To: The Anti-Vaxxers are Causing a Chillul Hashem



“Remember Charlie Gard and Alfie Evans from the UK? ”
Yes. Quite well. Do you remember how they then banned bris milah?

“The UK Government decided “it was in the best interest” of these babies TO BE MURDERED! ”
I dont remember that part.

“They refused to allow the Peasants, I mean PARENTS, to take THEIR baby to another country for treatment – at their own expense! ”
So, its more complicated than that. and who is paying is not the be all end all of deciding whether a treatment is appropriate or not. At any rate there was no treatment available nor one that was being offered. There was a Dr at Columbia who initially said he would try but he later said that it was futile.
I dont really want to get to lost especially, since I’m not sure I agree with the government’s decision so I’m not really going to defend it.
however you seem a bit confused.
You are saying that
forcing vaccinations will lead to murdering children and banning bris milah.
You proof to this is England, where they DONT have mandatory vaccinations yet they murder babies (in your view) and dont ban bris milah.
I’m a bit lost.
furthermore. Please please please tell me you don’t support the right to inject chemotherapeutic agents full of toxins and horrible horrible radiation into children. I certainly hope you don’t mean to suggest to support the evil oncologists and the nefarious pharmaceutical companies

“Diabetes and many other diseases skyrocketed, the number of Anti-Vaxxers skyrocketed as well.”
how dod you know that the existence of anti-vaxxers didnt lead to these increased diseases.?
In fact. We proved they did cause the diseases. Since they both went up along a similar time frame that means one caused the other

“There are no ethical issues with a RETROSPECTIVE study, so why does the CDC refuse?”

I’m not sure what you mean. There are dozens of such studies .
do y u need my help finding them? (There are prospective studies done to, but I’m not aware of any RCT’s)

“Religious Rights – they didn’t persecute Christians who refused to service a Homosexual Wedding, Right?”
Ok, this one you are going to have to walk me through slowly. Please help me see the link between vaccines and homosexual weddings.
I have heard it said that vaccines cause homosexuality (with nice graphs showing the increase of both along the same trajectory, which in anti-vax land means one caused thee other) Is this your argument?

“Are you asking why should Orthodox Jews care if the Government violates the Religious Rights of others?”
no, i’m asking why are you pretending there are Jewish religous grounds to denying your children proper medical treatment