Reply To: The Anti-Vaxxers are Causing a Chillul Hashem

Home Forums Rants The Anti-Vaxxers are Causing a Chillul Hashem Reply To: The Anti-Vaxxers are Causing a Chillul Hashem


“Yes, I believe the government has the right to protect children from IMMINENT Danger of Death or
Permanent Danger”

Ahhhh!!!! Bris milah! run for the hills the government is controlling health decisions we all know that means bris milah is next!!!!!!

“Since CDC TRIPLED the Vaccine Schedule around 1990 we have SICKEST Children in History of USA:”

OVer the same time period. The number of anti-vaxxers (pro-diseasers) have skyrocketed as well!

I jut proved that the mere existence of anti-vaxxers leads to Asthma, autism, ADHd, mental illness, diabetes, SIDS

you ask :
” who does get to make medical decisions for our children? The Parents or The Government?”

when there are two sides to the issue then parents. IF their are no two sides then the government.

“Why does the CDC refuse to do a Vaxxed vs UnVaxxed Study? It WOULD Prove once and for all”
1) It would be unethical to deprive children of life saving vaccines
2) It would change approximately zero minds (+/- a mind or 2) I have had many conversations with you pro-diseasers it goes something like this (you can dig up old ywn threads)

pro-diseaser “Provide one study showing vaccines don’t cause Autism”
Me: “Ok here is one…”
Pro-diseaser ” no one with over 10,000 people”
me: “Ok here is one with over 10,000 people…”
Pro diseaser “no, one that isnt funded by big pharma”
me “ok, here is a study with over 10,000 people thats isnt funded by big pharma”
pr-diseaser ” no one that isnt funded by the govt”
“ok here is one with 10,000 people that isnt funded by the government nor big pharma”
pro-diseaser: “no that was published in a medical journal and journals are funed by big pharma, so find one that wasnt published ina medical journal”