Reply To: Studies on vaccines you might have missed.👨‍🔬💉🚫

Home Forums Controversial Topics Studies on vaccines you might have missed.👨‍🔬💉🚫 Reply To: Studies on vaccines you might have missed.👨‍🔬💉🚫


Doomsday: As I said, ALL credible doctors believe in vaccination. You say that there are 150 doctors who have come out against vaccines. Out of 1.1 MILLION doctors in the US, that would be – hmmm, let’s see – 150/1.1 million=0.014%of doctors – yep, less than 1/50 of 1% of doctors! Wow! Lots of doctors! HaHaHa! You lose this one, Doomsey!!!! As for your comment about doctors losing their license for not vaccinating, I have previously told you that is not true so stop perpetuating that lie. Doctors do not follow orders. Much of what pediatricians do is outside of labeling, because doctors are entitled to Make their own decision about practicing medicine. You just can’t live with the fact that nearly 100% of doctors believe vaccination is the only way to go! Now, they may be afraid to not vaccinate because they know it is VERY, VERY BAD medicine and when kids catch vaccine-preventable diseases, they would be – correctly sued because not vaccinating is unquestionable malpractice. That’s why nearly all pediatricians In our community will not accept anti-vaxxers into their practices – a very sound decision. The fact is, doctors trust the CDC, the AAP, the WHO, the FAAP, the ACIP for very good reason – they are fantastic organizations that do careful, methodical research that everyone trusts – except for you anti-vaxxers – and, oh, yeah, lest I forget – 0.014% of doctors in the US! HaHaHa! What a joke!!! Give it up, Doomsey! You lose!!