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Quinn Pressures NY1 To Stop Airing Attack Ad

ny1The early front-runner in the mayoral race, City Council Speaker Christine Quinn, is finding herself subject to new attacks. She is the subject of the first attack ad of the campaign, and she does not like it one bit.

The 30-second spot, created by the independent group NYC Is Not For Sale, attacks Quinn for her stance on progressive issues including the living wage and sick leave bills.
The ad’s provocative statements include, “Virtually all of Christine Quinn’s decisions were made in rooms just like this with her friends in the 1 percent,” and “How can you support her?”

On Monday, shortly after the ad started airing on NY1, Quinn’s mayoral campaign called on Time Warner Cable and Cablevision to pull the ad, warning the stations could lose their license.

“Your station need not air the subject ad. If you choose to do so, however your station bears responsibility for its content,” Quinn’s lawyer writes to NY1 executives.


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