Reply To: Studies on vaccines you might have missed.👨‍🔬💉🚫

Home Forums Controversial Topics Studies on vaccines you might have missed.👨‍🔬💉🚫 Reply To: Studies on vaccines you might have missed.👨‍🔬💉🚫


A few points to consider:
1. You are ignoring the statistics I provided showing that even claims of injury from childhood vaccines are extraordinarily unlikely. It is far, far, far more likely that a child will be injured by the disease than by the vaccine.

2. You keep on mentioning encephalitis which is usually caused by viral infection. While some vaccines use a live virus and can cause encephalitis in extremely rare cases, you know what is far more likely to cause encephalitis? The MEASLES VIRUS. At least 1 in a 500 (1/1000 concurrently, and 1/1000 later) children that get measles will develop encephalitis. That is far, far, far more likely than the 1 in 500,000 (at most) that will get encephalitis from the disease. These numbers are worlds apart.

3. On the death rate from measles. The rate of death from measles today will be much greater than the rate from 50 years ago. Measles, like most viral infections, is much more dangerous for the babies and children who are otherwise ill than for healthy children. 50 years ago everyone got measles, the high risk and low risk alike. But today the high-risk group, babies and ill children, are also the groups least likely to be vaccinated and therefore more likely to get measles. Because a greater percentage of measles cases are in high risk kids, the rate of death has increased.