Non-political: Jews traditionally regarded that the poor had an entitlement to be given tsadakkah, and those with the means had an obligation to provide it. The goyim borrowed the concept from us. Under American law, there are no economic entitlements. The constitution gives you rights to vote, free exercise of religion, right to a jury trial – those are entitlements. There are no entitlements to get money. Programs such as social security, medicare, medicaid, food stamps, WIC, etc., are pure charity. The government is under no obligation to give you the money, but has voted to do so (and could at any time stop doing so). While Jews (and some others) have managed to convince most Americans that it is a good thing to give “welfare” to those in need, it is purely a matter of getting most voters to feel charitable enough to divert their tax dollars. — What the Amreicans (fum Jews in particular) call “entitlements” are charitable programs whereby the government has stated anyone meeting a certain condition gets a set benefit, which is cheaper than requiring a special statute to be passed for each individual giving them a special benefit (which was done at one time, and proved unworkable).