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“Reb Yid: Why are anti-vaxxers obsessed with Autism?
Answer: Because Autism has gone from 1:10,000 in 1970s to 1:58 today. Autism rise directly correlates to
increase in vaccinations.”
Do you know why these statements are just plain silly? because directly correlating means nothing. You have no possible way to control the other factors involved. None. So autism rises directly correlate to increase in vaccinations. Well guess what. Autism rises correlate to rises in use of ultrasound. Do you know that when I ws having my first kids they didn’t recommend I get ultrasounds because they could tell by the way the baby shielded his face during ultrasounds that the waves bothered him. And that we have no idea what the long term effects would be! And they really meant it when they said it too!
And autism rises correlate to rises in use of preservatives. and artificial color and flavors. and decrease in natural foods. And an increase in use of car seats – leaving kids in “container” for hours at a time (car seat to infant swing to carseat). I have a book on the effects of this type of sensory deprivation on the development of children leading to severe sensory dysfunction.
And autism rises correlate to rises in use of technology. An increase in use of 2 dimentional experience completely devoid of touch, smell, taste and severely limiting the range of eye motion and fine motor movements necessary to develop neurologically healthy.
And autism rises correlate to rises in two parent incomes where children are severely limited to exposure to their parents, the consistency of adult supervision and values across their day and week.
Can you be sure any one of these “crazy ideas” is more or less responsible for an increase in autism than vaccines? I sure can tell you that after 30 years of working closely with families and individuals touched directly by autism, my correlations make a lot more sense than a measles vaccine that only effects a tiny percentage of the people who are exposed to it. But they sure would take a lot more work on your part to rectify than just boycotting your doctor.