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Home Forums Controversial Topics The world is in a state of Geula- and don’t misunderstand us! Reply To: The world is in a state of Geula- and don’t misunderstand us!


I’m ready to start with a list of Yes or No questions – in no particular order – for CS (and TT or any other lubavicher if they are interested). Please just answer Yes or No BEFORE elaborating. I would welcome others adding to the questions. Note one important point: using Lubavich sources or explanations does not hold water when trying to show other non-believers that your view is correct.

(Any question left unanswered will lead me to conclude that CS et al are too scared to publicly answer what they believe.)

1. Is there any reference within the last 500 years to someone being Nassi Hador that does not have Lubavich as its source? If Yes, please cite.

2. Do you believe that ONLY BASED ON THE RAMBAM’s CRITERIA the Lubavicher rebbe is (likely to be) mashiach? If yes, please explain how you see this in the Rambam.

3. Do you believe that a sefer Tanya has the same kedusha as a Sefer Torah and that the latter should not be placed on the former?

4. Can you demonstrate, without lubavich sources, why your rebbe should be considered the leader of the generation?

5. Are we simply to ignore (virtually) the entire yeshivishe world who vehemently deny the tzidkus of your rebbe?

6. Do you believe that a lubavicher bochur who learns chassidus is definitely better than the Chazon Ish who (allegedly) did not?

There are lots more questions I and others could ask, but I am exhausted (and a little “under the weather”) from the simcha I am attending so that’s the best I could do at the moment.