Reply To: Lev Tahor and other frum cults- and don’t misunderstand me

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“Please unpack that a little more. How could they have realized that something is very wrong?”

The rest of his post details that (aside from the mind control drugs etc)

“Doesn’t following the Rebbe without question include emuna that he has sources for his Torah and isn’t making things up?”

Nope that would make a sham of the system. Because every wanna be charasmatic leader could just demand alleigance and then make up whatever he wants and no one will be able to call boo. The way Torah has always been is that the Torah leader sources himself in Torah which in turn sources itself etc all the way back to Moshe Rabbeinu. He clarifies what his bases are and what his own chiddushim are based on those sources. But everything traces back. Now if every other Torah leader says his chiddushim are migale panim baTorah shelo kahalacha, then that clues his own followers in that something is wrong…

And yah I know you’re (as in the collective you) are
going to jump on that. Just remember there’s also shivim panim laTorah and there’s a difference between going against the letter or spirit of Torah (such as women reading from the Torah etc) and something that is merely an unconventional or unusual position to take, a Daas yochid.

Another indicator is that when borderline chiddushim lead
to outright actions against Torah, as a natural progression of the whole, (as we have seen with the OO and now Lev Tahor in contemporary times) it shows that the questionable original chiddushim were wrong. The opposite is true as well. If the movement continues along the Torah path and grows, you see the truth of the chiddushim. Only the paths and Jews that have stayed true to Torah lasted…