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This woman who is now a shlucha herself, was born to baalei teshuva parents who became frum through Chabad right around gimmel tammuz. They were weirded out by all the Meshichism they saw and so did not become lubavitch but litvish.

She grew up and found herself conflicted at the end of seminary. She knew she needed to sort herself out before getting married but she found it quite challenging:

She heard some gedolim call for more outreach and others call for more insularity. As both approaches stemmed from various Gedolim who were equally great, she wasn’t sure what was the path to take for herself.

She found the Rebbes shittos really resonated with her as she saw the Rebbe’s path combine the values of both extremes in many cases. However she felt torn.

How could she become lubavitch if they have wacko meshichistim? If a big percentage of them harbor beliefs that are emuna based but lack any source in Torah, that is very off and she cannot follow such a derech!

So she looked into it and found the sources in Torah, with a Rabbis help that showed the meshichistim have valid sources in Torah. Now she felt confident in her decision to become lubavitch as even if others don’t follow our path, once there is a source in Torah, it is as legitimate as any other path of Yiddishkeit out there. Once she became lubavitch, she learned much more and deepened her own convictions.

She still finds it hard today to tell people from other kreizin she is lubavitch, because coming from that world, she knows they think she’s crazy.

So when asked on the topic she’ll tell them what she found such as “Abarbanel says that the preferred option is for moshiach to come from the dead. I don’t want to start up with the Abarbanel, do you?”

And she feels ahavas yisrael for them and hopes someday they’ll look into it as she did and then see its not so crazy after all.