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Shlucha – with all our ahavas Yisroel we still proudly say the nineteenth brocho which was added in Yavneh! We dont have to hem and haw and be politically correct and say that other kreizen also had tzaddikim and try to imply that they were even close to the level of our Rebbe – we are proud that we have a Rebbe who is the nefesh hakoilel, the Nossi hader, Mepech Hamoshiach Leoilom Voed! The Nesiei Chabad were special neshomois mishichmom ulemaala gevoihim miko ho’om, and bifrat the tzaddik hashvii hu Dovid beatzmoi! All the Chachmomim who want to compare him to this one and to that one, and even to frierdiker doiros, do you not realize that Moshiach is different?! When the Melech Hamoshiach is misgaleh bimeheira beyomeinu, and is the Nossi and the Melech and the Novi, will you also tzi your beards and say but how can he be greater than the Rashbo who was none of those things? Leave aside your kleinkeppelkeit before it’s too late! Yes there were feineh Yidden in other kreizen, and even tzaddikim, but we do not need to be ashamed to say that none of them could rihr un unzer Rebbin Shlita!