In his address on Sunday to a forum of bereaved families, Labor Party leader Defense Minister Ehud Barak stated that in all likelihood, national elections will be held in 2008. Barak predicts the current administration is nearing the end of its days.
The meeting was described a difficult and painful, with Barak telling the parents of fallen IDF soldiers that in light of the damaging Winograd Commission report, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert should have resigned from office as did IDF Chief of Staff Dan Halutz and Defense Minister Amir Peretz.
Officials in the Prime Minister’s Office expressed bewilderment, stating if Barak feels as he says, then one can only question what he is doing in a senior cabinet post in the government.
Aides to Barak stated that there is nothing new in his comments, explaining his prediction for elections in 2008 is not a new development.
Some analysts believe that Barak is intentionally working towards a coalition crisis, perhaps a doomsday prophecy which will prove his prediction vis-à-vis elections correct.
On the other side, some feel that Barak’s coalition threat is not one taken seriously by Olmert since Barak is aware if elections were held today, he would not emerge the victor due to his poor standing in the polls.
In the meantime, Barak’s current status as party leader is not enjoying broad-based party support as former leader Amir Peretz continues efforts to sabotage Barak’s support base, perhaps laying the groundwork for the next party primary elections.
Peretz recently told reporters that he does not rule out placing running for the party leadership in the future.
(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)
2 Responses
Tell me I’m dreaming, but I believe I see the words “Welcome To Chelm” behind Barak…
when i saw Barak’s name in the headline for a second i thought you meant Barak Obama. It was weird.