The many organizations that see to it that the growing number of the nation’s poor is provided for on Shabbos and Yom Tov do not know if they can meet the challenge this Pesach (Passover).
Due to the decline in the dollar, the increase in the cost of fruits and vegetables because of shmitah, the growing number of people in need, and price increases, organization heads fear they will not be successful in getting even the minimum basic package to all those in need for the week-long holiday.
Experts estimate the organizations collectively lost NIS 500 million due to the decline in the dollar against the shekel, stating this will result in a 15% reduction in the number of packages delivered for the holiday.
Unfortunately, every year as Pesach nears the reports of increased poverty and people living below the poverty line increases. Private tzedaka (charity) organizations have undertaken to assist those in need, realizing the national government continues to allocate funds for other needs, ignoring its moral and legal responsibilities towards its citizens.
One organization, which operates nationwide is Table to Table, which since its launch in 2003 has become a major player in preventing edible food from catering halls, army bases and other institutions from going to waste, developing a system to have the food picked up and used for the growing number in need.
(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)
2 Responses
Sde Tzofim Baal Teshuva Community in Beitar will soon be baking their matzos in the oven that the members of the community built themselves in their beis medrash. supporting these baalei teshuva at this crucial time will go a long way in making them feel like welcome members of klal yisroel.
There is always food available in the Tea Room when there is a long gap between meals in the main dining room. There seem to be scores of hotels all over the world so clearly there is enough to go around. 🙂