(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)
*The air force on motzei Shabbos fired at terrorist detected near Nachal Oz, reporting they detected the objective was successfully hit. Sources in Gaza report two dead.
*Border police on motzei Shabbos (Saturday night) were attacked with three firebombs near Har Adar. No injuries were reported.
*IDF: Hizbullah steps up efforts to recruit Druse and Bedouins to spy against Israel.
*DM Ehud Barak announces his commitment to advancing negotiations with Syria.
*Local showers predicted for today, Sunday, with flood warnings in the Judean desert.
*United Nations calling to assume total control of the northern border village of Rajar.
*Rice announces she is not in Israel to “push” American agenda, but to act as an intermediary towards regional peace.
MEDIA REPORT: Clandestine talks have been ongoing between Israel and the PA, at a brisk pace, towards a “final status” according which includes Jerusalem.
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“V’lYerusholayim Irchah B’Rachamim Toshuv……”