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YWN Eretz Yisrael Evening News Roundup 3/27/08

kosel322.jpg(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)


*28 illegals were apprehended in the Shfaram area by border police on Wednesday night. Suspects in custody include those being sought by security officials. They were arrested and others returned to PA autonomous areas.

*No injuries in Thursday morning Qassam rocket attack in southern Israel.

*Israeli reported to authorities on Thursday morning that Arabs in the area of Karmei Tzur, south of Gush Etzion, stole his truck.

*An Arab resident of eastern Jerusalem was apprehended at an IDF checkpoint transporting 18 PA residents over the Green Line illegally. The report states the driver was wearing an IDF shirt and driving an “IDF type” vehicle. He driver was taken into custody.

*Egyptian security forces reportedly shot dead “two Africans” who did not comply with orders to halt, seeking to cross illegally into Israel. No additional information available.

*Israeli truck driver car-jacked by Arabs in Chevron near Mosque. He was found by PA police and taken to IDF soldiers.


*A labor dispute was declared by 600 outside instructors employed by Hebrew University.

*The B’tselem human rights organization has turned to the state attorney general to launch an investigation into the elimination of four wanted terrorists in Bet Lechem two weeks ago by anti-terror commandos. B’tselem states they did not resist and should not have been killed.

*Environmentally aware Tel-Avivians may take part in Thursday night’s one-hour lights out awareness rally intended to bring increased public awareness to global warming and other environmental issues. Some 20 cities around the world are taking part.

*Some 3,300 runners took part in the half-marathon in Jerusalem on Thursday, including 1,000 soldiers, 500 from the Golani Brigade. There was also a sizable delegation from Bnei Akiva. Sponsors paid for runners to raise funds to assist Sderot residents.

*A border policeman along with two civilians was arrested on suspicion of involvement in weapons-marketing, counterfeiting and related crimes.

*Four suspects in their 20s are in custody for allegedly making deals with Israelis – taking their cars to PA autonomous areas, reporting them stolen, so the owners could collect insurance payments.

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