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“Phil: That’s false. I’ve never said that or anything resembling that.”


You sure did; on 8/7/17:

How could a girl ever have a bad date?

Sima commented at 2:17pm:
“Joseph and Yekke2 are both right so maybe the Chassidish way is better – just meet in the parents or the shadchan’s home. No deciding where to go etc and the girl is not expected to arrive as though she is a film star.”

to which Joseph replied at 2:56pm:
“Of course this isn’t ideal. But I’m dealing with the metzius of our weak, sinful, generation. Ideally, of course, we should change how Sima, above, in her comment rightfully suggested. But until we reach that madreiga (may it be very soon) we need to deal with the facts on the ground that the non-Chasidish and super-Yeshivish oilem deals with this.”

The best comment on that thread by far was from mylogic37:
“Joseph, I hope you are kidding and just trolling. If not you seriously need help.”

to which the mods replied:
“You must be new here. Welcome”

Joe, please try to keep better track of your offensive, judgmental comments from now on, okay?