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Noam Shalit Blames Army and Gov’t for Abandoning His Son

gilad.jpgAddressing a Bar Ilan University solidarity event for his son Gilad and other missing IDF soldiers, Noam Shalit blamed government and IDF officials of abandoning his son.

“Why is Gilad the only one paying the price?” questioned the father of the imprisoned soldier, who is being held by Hamas terrorists since June 2006. 

Shalit stated the government of Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has not done enough, adding the IDF failed to see the “writing on the walls,” which could have prevented his abduction.

He expressed his pain over his son who was only in the army for 11 months when taken prisoner, and now “remains in the dark, cut off from the outside world.”

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

3 Responses

  1. Hashem s/d continue to watch over Gilad, as well as all missing soldiers-
    The govt. ought to hang its head in shame over this fiasco.

  2. The govt should hang its head in shame? The govt should be hung (or shot) I was around (very young, of course) during the 6 Day war (June 1967) – what a miracle!! that’s because the IDF had a spine then, the leaders were fearless, unlike today. I keep wondering what happened to the TZAHAL of old.

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