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NYC Parks Dept Announces Hiring Of 81 New Officers

nycp.jph.jpgOn March 5th, Parks Department Commissioner Veronica White and Queens Parks Commissioner Dorothy Lewandowski announced the department would be hiring 81 new Park Enforcement Patrol Officers – a move which Council Member Peter F. Vallone Jr. has been working to achieve for over a year.

Vallone, who is Chair of the Public Safety Committee, was deeply concerned about the safety situation in parks after learning that there are only about 90 PEP officers citywide. On average, a mere five officers are actually on patrol in each borough daily. Furthermore, Vallone learned this past summer that only one PEP officer was assigned to patrol Queens parks, with the rest sent to beaches and pools.

Given the eight percent increase in park crimes in 2012 (compared to the four percent increase in overall crime), Vallone feels that more PEP officers are needed now more than ever.

Although no decision has been made as to where the new recruits will be assigned, Vallone has demanded that Queens receive an equal amount of officers. While parks in Manhattan, such as Central Park, have hired additional private security, Queens parks are left with the bare minimum to keep people safe.

“Crime is rising in our parks, and a handful of officers to keep an entire borough of parkland safe just won’t cut it,” said Council Member Vallone. “I’m glad the City has finally decided to hire more PEP officers, but we have to make sure Queens gets enough of them to keep people safe.”

(YWN Desk – NYC)

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