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HaRav Boruch Mordechai Ezrachi Undergoes Successful Cardiac Surgery

bmeHaGaon HaRav Boruch Mordechai Ezrachi Shlita, Rosh Yeshivas Ateres Yisrael successfully underwent a cardiac surgery on Wednesday, 24 Adar 5773. Tefilos were recited in his yeshiva as the surgery was taking place in Sheba Medical Center in Tel Hashomer Hospital in Tel Aviv.

Following the procedure it is reported that the procedure was a success and the Rosh Yeshiva is recovering. The tzibur is requested to be mispallel for הרב ברוך מרדכי בן הינדא מלכה bsoch shar cholei yisroel.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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