Reply To: Zebra Tallis

Home Forums Bais Medrash Minhagim Zebra Tallis Reply To: Zebra Tallis


1) The Mishnah Berurah brings that the stripes are zeicher to the techeilis. I believe he says they are blue.
2) Many of the real Turkish talleisim worn by Belzer Chasidim (and perhaps others) have bluish stripes.
3) There is no reason to differentiate between a talis gadol and a talis koton as far as stripes goes.
4) Indeed the RaMBa”M is the source for the halachah that the beged must be the same color as the tzitzis (not the other way around as stated in one post).
5) It is oft repeated that the Israeli flag was designed as a “substitute” for the talis (i.e. We don’t need a talis, or any mitzvos, anymore since we have our own country.