Reply To: Eruv Question (regarding 600K people)

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DaasYochid, what’s the difference between a house and any other eruv? Every eruv is by definition a reshus hayochid. If you could not make a reshus hayochid in a reshus horabim then you could not carry in a house. The answer is that min hatorah of course you can make an eruv, even a flimsy one consisting of nothing more than four strings, in a reshus horabim. But the rabbonon said if it’s a reshus horabim you need more than that. You can make an eruv, but it must be stronger than four strings. Only for olei regel did they permit the bare minimum, passei biro’os, but for everyone else they said you need something more. Precisely how much more is discussed by the rishonim, but lechol hade’os if you have rov mechitzos, and tzuros hapesach to fill in the gaps, and delosos across the main road, it’s OK.