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Likud/Beitenu & Bayit HaYehudi Complete Another Round of Talks

Likud/Beitenu and Bayit HaYehudi negotiators on Wednesday afternoon 17 Adar 5773 completed another round of coalition negotiations. No progress is being reported after today’s session, which follows recent days of intensive negotiations.

Bayit Yehudi negotiators are appear to be insisting on modifying the agreement signed between Likud/Beitenu and The Movement, with the dati leumi right-wing party apparently unwilling to accept Tzipi Livni’s major role in negotiations between Israel and the PA (Palestinian Authority).

Srugim reports that Bayit Yehudi is offered the deputy defense ministry post with ministerial responsibility over construction throughout Yehuda and Shomron.

Earlier reports stated Bayit Yehudi was offered the housing ministry. Bayit Yehudi is also asking to maintain responsibility for the drafting of bnei yeshiva, a move that Likud is likely to approve.

Simultaneous talks seem to be taking place between Bayit Yehudi the allied Yesh Atid Party regarding the sharing the burden. It appears that there may be agreement towards accepting a larger number of bnei yeshiva to continue learning annually, but they will not all get paid. In addition, there will not be punitive sanctions against those not entering military service, a compromise that may open a door for both Lapid as well as Shas.

Yesh Atid is looking at the foreign ministry, and it too seems displeased with the significant role given to Tzipi Livni in negotiations between Israel and the PA.

Not willing to give up on Labor, Likud/Beitenu is offering the party the finance ministry, industry & trade ministry, and welfare. This despite statements on Wednesday 17 Adar by party leader Shelly Yacimovich that the gap between her and the prime minister is simply too wide for her to consider entering the coalition, Mr. Netanyahu continues to make generous offers to bring the party on board. Nevertheless, Yacimovich insists that this is not a personal matter, but entering the coalition for her is a betrayal of Labor voters since the coalition that is forming is too far from Labor’s ideology.

Lapid on the other hand insists there must be fewer ministerial appointments, reminding all concerned his party remains committed to reducing the number of cabinet posts by at least ten. While it was a major platform issue for Lapid during the campaign, it is unclear if this will be a deal breaker as the sides concentrate on the share the burden issue, seeking a formula that will also leave an opening for the chareidi parties.

For the time being, the only thing that appears certain is that Labor is committed to remaining in the opposition due to its ideological differences with the administration. Shas’ future remains uncertain and Yahadut Hatorah appears headed for opposition based on today’s realities.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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