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Arabs Screaming ‘Allah Akbar’ Attack Lubavitcher Bochur In Brooklyn

nypd logo3.jpgA 25-year-old Lubavitcher Bochur, was attacked by a group of Arab teenagers screaming “Allah Akbar” in Brooklyn on Tuesday evening – in what the NYPD is investigating as a possible bias crime.

The Bochur entered a subway station in the Park Slope neighborhood in Brooklyn on Tuesday evening, when his Yarmulka was suddenly grabbed off his head by an Arab teenager. The Bochur chased the Arab teenager into the street – where the Arab was hit by a car, breaking his leg. 

As the Bochur chased him into the street, two additional Arab teens began chasing him and screaming “Allah Akbar.” The Arab teens then proceeded to punch the innocent Bochur in the face.

The crime is being investigated as aggravated harassment and a possible bias crime, an NYPD spokeswoman told the Jerusalem Post. “I am almost sure it will be charged as a hate crime,” said the spokeswoman.

The Arab boy who was hit by the car was arrested by police, and transported to Lutheran Trauma Center by FDNY. The other two Arab thugs fled the scene prior to the arrival of police.

18 Responses

  1. Time to leave the rotten Chutz LaAretz, and to come to the dictatorship in Israel.
    At least you can suffer with your brethren.
    Misery love company!

  2. in 2002 when the intefada started there were a couple such stories too, there are alot of arabs in brooklyn we must be careful

  3. “in what the NYPD is investigating as a possible bias crime.”

    You have got to be kidding me! Do you need the arabs to directly say “Hinini Muchan Umezuman to do a hate crime!” THIS IS SUCH AN OBVIOUS HATE CRIME!

    I am truly disgusted (and I am a calm person)

    P.S. If a white person would attack a black person screaming “White Power”… ’nuff said

  4. I think Yavnerd should have his own editorial on , I loved that last comment.

    Ps. anyone know what room number in Lutheran the kid is in so we can run him over with a cleaning cart (possible biased statement).

  5. The Yeshiva Bochur is a HERO !! He fought back !!This is the way it started in France one Arab chases a Yid, grabs his Yarmulka and a dozen beat him. Now a Yid can’t walk in France with a Yarmulka on.
    I was born in an Arab country and they respect violent. If you fight back they will not confront you. Let’s not get into the situation as the rest of Europe is in.
    Last week a bunch of Spanish kids threw coffee on me and I chased them down and you should see the look at their faces when I caught them and beat their brains in. They all looked at me like “hey, you are a Yid you are supposed to get beaten and run, not fight back”.
    I guarantee you they will not start up with a Yid again.
    I Take off my hat and salute the Bouchur who fought back !!!

  6. I’m soory guys, but Rav Avigdor Muiller advised a different approach in a similar incident.

    I believe that Rav Miller would have advised the Bochur to just shut up and move on, after his Yarmulke was snatched.

    By chasing the Arab, he escalated a minor incident into a major confrontation that could have gotten him killed.

    Rav Miller used to Quote the Talmud. “Blessed is the man who keeps his mouth shut and moves on–How many misfortunes will pass him by!”

  7. Deepthinker, i think your head is in the sand & please keep it there as that is where it belongs.

    Apparently he had another approach & a better one that worked out just fine, this guy got hit by a car & busted some bones & that is in addition to him being arrested & now he will start giving up his friends one by one as they are going to offer him some deal.

    when it happens to you that is when you should do what your great rav told you to do, these ugly muslims have to know that we have rights too & are not going to turn our cheeks & take another one & maybe they will learn a lesson that we are going to fight back & not just plain give in.

    I remeber as a kid growing up when we got hit by blacks or hispancis we used to run & try to forget about it, but now times have changed & they know that we jews fight back & they dont start up anymore & that is the lesson these filthy muslims have to learn & yes it may be the hard way but they will learn that we fight back as they are the most discussting creatures on this planet.

    Sorry to disagree with your great wisdom.

  8. “I think Yavnerd should have his own editorial on”

    Thanks for the support. oh, also I’m a girl. lol.
    Yavnerd = nickname given to girls who attend Yavne seminary.

  9. My Dear LevTov32 (no. 11):

    It’s not “my great wisdom;” it’s a GeMaRa that my great Rebbe used to quote often.

    You sound like a real “Rambo” type, but this Lubavitcher Bochur got a punch in the face for his trouble (read the article again).

    Do you think it was worth getting a punch in the face?–It could have been much more serious than that.

  10. To dizzy deepthinker:
    I agree with you we should look the other way. However, I was born and raised in an Arab country. Words, knowledge, logic, signing an agreement, etc. are just not respected in the Arab world. Just look at Israel how many papers they signed, look at how many meetings, conferences they had and at the end it only made the Arab feel that strength is the answer. And, they are right! Because as you see every time they attack Israel, Israel wants to have meetings and give more land. These are not people of rational nor logic but, the ways of war, hate and violent are ways of getting to your goal. It is interesting that the West is just starting to learn. As for Europe they have their own problems that will explode in the next 5years.
    Until, you read and understand you will not see the light. As for Europe they are already crying. Italy has a population of 15% Muslim (they are trying to figure out what to do, this summer they will be creating laws to ensure their own survival), France has a population of 20% (Present President will continue to squeeze to see if he can control or identify how strong is the population before he begins to implement more non-Islam laws). Get ready for next year when France will have bigger and more violent riots with the Muslim population.
    It is simple Hashem said to Europe “I gave you my son Yaakov and you created a Holocaust for him. Now I’ll send you my other son Yishmeal and you will cry for the days of Yaakov to come back to you”. And you will scream “oh Israel you are so right please help us in Europe………..PLEASE HELP US !!!!… “
    By the way, I would rather get a punch in the face and not turn the other way (we have done that and there are 6million graves to testify) then to find out that I have created a belief that we are sitting chickens.

  11. Dear “Think”(no.14):

    The Arabs are quite rational–Terrorism works. They are geting more and more concessions from America, Europe, and their Israeli puppets.

    We cannot fight on our own. We’re too weak. Our only hope is to get the intercession of our Father in heaven. He’s got the power.

    Just as Mordechai and Esther did, in the days of Haman!

  12. The muslim broke his legs!! Of course it was worth it. You cant be a wimp deep thinker, I am sure in this situation your Rav will agree with what the bochur did. Maybe your rav means with an occasional mugging (not occasional anymore). But we cant show them we are wimps, they prey after the weak. You need to show strength and that will help. Why is it the Yid who is always taking a chance? It is the arab, the shvartze the mugger that is taking a chance, maybe he will get hurt if he starts up with a yid, and he did!! Good for him!!!

  13. deep thinker, shivah punim la torah so you are more than welcome to keep quiet and move on, but as for the rest of us…..don’t worry, cuz if that happens to you, the rest of us will chase the arab kids for you.

    good for that yeshivah bachor!!!!!!!!!!

  14. deepthinker you are forgetting other yomim tovim like chanukah (we fought) and amalek (we fought) and all the years of kivush/chiluk where guess what- we fought. The arabs are not only trying to destroy our physical body, but also our spirit and soul by targeting our yeshivos and yeshivah students.

    You are entitled to your opinion, but it is just an opinion, and there are other gemorahs and other mareh mekomos- and no, some of us are not afraid to get a punch in the face chasing a yalmuka to get it back. Pain is just pain, and belive it or not some ppl are not terrified of the idea of a little physical pain, but if we let them break our spirit any old time, we’ve lost the bigger struggle for survival. You don’t have to fight based on your own torah perspectives, but that does not make all other torah perspectives wrong. Relax. Rethink. Reconsider. More than one of us can be right. There were always ppl who fought and ppl who learned and they are not mutually exclusive.

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