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Bin Laden Slams Pope In New Tape

bin laden.jpg(Click HERE to watch/listen) Osama bin Laden addressed the “wise men” of the European Union in a new audio message slamming the publication of drawings insulting to the Prophet Muhammad and vowed a strong reaction.

Bin Laden’s message was entitled “The Response Will Be What You See, Not What You Hear”, Reuters reported.

A voice believed to be Bin Laden’s described the attacks of the Europeans on women and children but said these “paled (in comparison) when you went overboard in your unbelief and freed yourselves of the etiquettes of dispute and fighting and went to the extent of publishing these insulting drawings, this is the greatest misfortune and the most dangerous.”

Bin Laden went on describe the cartoons as taking place in the framework of a “new Crusade” against Islam, in which the Pope has played a “large and lengthy role” and warned the Europeans that a reaction would come.

(Source: AP / Reuters)

15 Responses

  1. SO WHAT?If the Pope has other important things to do,the Muslims and xtians will be too busy to bother with us.

  2. It would nice if this “Roshaa Merusha” will have his end on this Purim.
    ימח שמו וזכרו ונמח זכורו מלהזכירו

  3. i guess the purim spirit of ‘V’nhappichu” applies to the picture being reflected of bin laden,yimach s’hmo v’zicro.

  4. sticks and stones (planes and bombs)will break my bones but words will never harm me!

  5. It seems after he unplugged his internet he’s not getting his news in timely fashion. This was news about two and half years ago. No one told him that an egyptian newspaper also reprinted the cartoons and that Mohammed’s alleged likeness has appeard in print a few hundred times over the last five hundrd years.
    See link below:

    Go ahead Osama, put a fatwa out on me because I posted the link.

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