Reply To: Hitch Hikers In Lakewood Ticketed By Police Story

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You realize that in a statistical analysis “near misses” don’t count? Your subjective idea of what is or isn’t dangerous is meaningless to the overall conversation. I’m sure you will point to the government analysis but as I’ve already said only 4 states have it on the books , so how dangerous can it be?
“Near misses ” happen to every driver every day. More often from cars and not pedestrians. do we ban driving?
Lets be real
We have all seen countless accidents. Have you seen one caused by a hitcher? I’m sure it has happened but is it statistically warranted to ban a behavior that is easily within the control of every driver to perform safely?
We all know how to pull over to a curb safely. We all deal with double parked cars every day. We deal with people that have to pull over to get a kid or parent every day. How is this different?