Reply To: Why do Sephardim wear a yarmulka all day?

Home Forums Bais Medrash Minhagim Why do Sephardim wear a yarmulka all day? Reply To: Why do Sephardim wear a yarmulka all day?


Neville, you’re totally misreading the issue. Like, mamsh. Trust me, I’m closer to Joseph on the hashkafic spectrum, received (and hold of) the standard yeshivish hashkafas, learnt in the reg. yeshivish yeshivas, and can honestly tell you, you;re missing the boat by miles. You’re conflating ashkenazi american trends, with those crowds shifting to the left/mo, with sfardim the world over who don;t associate a tshirt on shabbos with being modern, the same way you wouldn’t wear sandals on shabbos, but the mizrachi/dati crowd does and that doesn’t make them MO, it’s just what they are. You’re off, buddy, waaaay off.