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Remembering the Apropos Café Victims

candle75.gif(Yechiel Spira – YWN) It is perhaps almost too painful to recall the names and faces of the thousands of Jews murdered and injured in Arab terror attacks since the signing of the Oslo Accords on the White House lawn on September 13, 1993, the very same event that earned a Nobel Peace Prize for Yitzchak Rabin, Shimon Peres and none other than Yasser Arafat.

One such attack marred Purim celebrations in 1997, when a suicide bomber struck the Apropos Café in trendy Dizengoff Center area of Tel Aviv.

One cannot forget one of the famous photos that seem to linger in our collective memories, the policewoman carrying the small child dressed in a clown costume. The toddler’s mother, Anat Rozen-Winter A”H, did not survive the attack. Also murdered in that attack were Michal Avrahami and Yael Gilad, all guilty of being Jews in Eretz Yisroel, nothing more. 48 people were wounded in that attack.

The attack was carried out by members of the infamous Tzurif terror cell, who also perpetrated other fatal attacks, including the murders of Yaron and Efrat Unger (June 1996), and Uri, Rachel and Ze’ev Munk (July 1996).

Today, 11 years later, we observe yet another Purim under the veil of threat of credible terror alerts and heightened security nationwide.

5 Responses

  1. With so many tzaros in the world these days; we must take advantage of Purim and daven our hearts out for a tremendous yeshoua for all of Klall Yisroel.

  2. Taanis Esther is a very important day to daven for ourselves and for others. Taanis Esther is an “etz rotzon”. Try to say as much Tehillim as possible.For women try to say Tehillim at 12:00 local time Thursday. Pirokim 28, 32,79,92, 22, are asked to be said.

  3. Anat Rozen-Winter A”H, is the name of the mother of the child in the photograph, who was killed in the terrorist attack. The baby, Shani, survived, and is now ten years old.

  4. PURIM is NOT a day for le’tzonus! It took Homon horosho to wake up our ancestors a mere 55 years after the churban,. We are still just moving away from our last churban,with constant refresher terrorist activity. All K’lal Yisroel is in deep trouble. The enemies do not care if we are frum or secular,chassidig or “modern” .Who cares what kind of language we speak or hats we wear? We fast,do teshuva, and celebrate that Hashem is our King.Then comes Shabbos kodesh,before Purim is even over!

  5. Thank you Yizchok Rabin, Shimon Peres, Ariel Sharon, and Ehud Olmert for reminding us that we can only rely on Hashem for salvation and not on Zionist Kofrim that seek the eradication of Torah Judaism.

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