Have you ever been so inspired by the happiness that pervades the Purim season that you just start giving things away? At Oorah, that’s just the mood that has taken over, and said gift is one of the features on their upcoming Shmorg Tube DVD, “The Adventures of Fiveish: Fiveish Becomes a Star.”
When Fiveish approaches his friend Lipa, the most amazing things happen, and one can never be sure where the hilarity will take them. One thing’s for sure – whether you’re a Jewish music fan or not, you’ll enjoy this video, which transports Fiveish into various well-known videos in his sincere quest to become a real star.
This feature is one of only about a dozen on the Shmorg Tube DVD, one of three discs in this year’s Shmorg5. The DVD packs a whopping array of entertainment suitable for kids (and kids at heart!). From exclusive productions of Abie Rottenberg classics, to inspiring segments by noted author Rabbi Binyomin Pruzansky, to the Living Torah’s a fascinating, in depth look at birds in the Torah, there’s something for everyone to enjoy on Shmorg Tube. Watch the trailer of Shmorg Tube here!
As always, this incredible collection is not available in any stores – Shmorg 5 is a donor exclusive! Donate to Oorah Auction to receive your copy – and order NOW to ensure you’ll have it delivered to your home in time for Pesach cleaning!
Aside from the hours of entertainment, you’ll be getting the satisfaction of knowing that your money is hard at work, sending kids to yeshiva, pairing up TorahMates, running TheZone programs and supporting all the good work that Oorah does.
Don’t miss your chance to order Shmorg 5 – donate now to get your own copy!