Israel is using its diplomatic abilities and friendship with the United States towards influencing UN Secretary-General Ban ki-Moon from coming out too supportive of the PA (Palestinian Authority) at the expense of Israel. These concerns are well founded as the UN leader next week plans to release a document three months after granting the PA observer status in the General Assembly addressing implementation of that decision.
Israel realizes it cannot stop the release of the document which may give the PA a boost in the international political arena, but hopes to tone down the UN leader’s affection for the PA at Israel’s expense.
According to Maariv, the document contains a scathing condemnation of Israel’s announced plans to continue building in the E1 area between Yerushalayim and Maale Adumim. The UN leader feels the severity of that announcement is in line with the construction of thousands of apartments in what the UN views as “East Jerusalem and the West Bank”. Moon expresses deep concerns and will call on Israel to reconsider the move.
Jerusalem is also concerned with its image regarding statements that will be made in connection with resuming diplomatic negotiations with the PA, fearing Israel’s position will be compromised.
(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)
One Response
Moon has got to drop dead! Why is it that one U.N Secretary General is worse than the next?