Professor Eugene Kandel feels his plan for sharing the burden is fair, as well as realistic as it is based on encouraging change in the chareidi community rather than focusing on compelling change.
Prof. Kandel explained on Thursday 11 Adar 5773 that his plan follows a number of years during which he studied and addressed the chareidi community and the economy. He highlights that his plan is based on the continuation of the trend seen in the past years, an increase in chareidi induction into the military, and he remains confident that in 5-6 years, the numbers of chareidim serving will be close to the non-chareidi sector.
Kandel explains the increase in numbers is the direct result of government policy, encouragement and allocating budgets to programs that address the special needs of the chareidi tzibur. “We are not trying to turn chareidim into chilonim or dati leumi” he stressed.
The professor explains any of the plans viewed as realistic include a five year hiatus for “we cannot expect a 180 degree turnaround from any tzibur” and the change has to be gradual. He supports a plan that focuses on encouragement, but admits his plan has a measure of benefits as well as measures that will be taken in response to noncompliance. He feels a major component of his plan is that one who does not learn must serve immediately, rejecting a situation in which one wears chareidi clothing and hangs out. Kandel explains “yeshivos cannot serve as cities of refuge for those seeking to avoid serving and they are not studying.”
The Kandel plan does include sanctions, both on the personal and community level. That means a talmid who is supposed to enter the military or national service and fails to comply will face sanctions, and his yeshiva will also suffer budgetary sanctions.
“Over 90% of chareidim are employed after IDF service but those chareidim at the same age who do not have to serve have significantly lower employment numbers. The IDF and accompanying vocational training do significantly increase one’s chances of finding employment and this is part of the IDF service. We assist them to earn a bagrut matriculation diploma and acquire professional skills as well” Kandel added.
(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)
One Response
He admits his goal is to destroy the Hareidi community, and force its assimilation into the mainstream of Israeli society. And he’s a moderate?????
If he wants to increase employment of Hareidim in Israeli jobs (i.e. not as kollel students, teachers, or working within the frum community) – end conscription, and pass a law that clearly bans discrimination on the basis of religion including the creation of a hostile workplace environment. But then again, that would make Israel more Jewish, rather than make the Hareidi less Jewish.